Mar 13
Beyond Selling Your Own Product
Marketing your own product is a great way to generate an online income. If you create a rock-solid product and do all of the right things in terms of promotion, you will generate sales. If you find a sweet spot in the market, your product can become relatively successful.
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If you’re flying solo, however, you won’t reach your full sales potential. The highly successful marketers understand that the biggest success stories often involve a smart joint venture agreement. It’s easier to post huge profits when you’re working with others.
Can you imagine the sales you’d make if big name marketers actively promoted your product? Can you imagine what would happen if you had some of these well-known forces backing your product? Now, think about the impact having several top marketers as partners could mean to you!
The Power of JVs
Every product creator needs an affiliate program. If you can get other people working to promote your product, it will multiply your sales. The standard-issue affiliate program won’t do the trick, however. You want more than a handful of marketers pitching your product as a part of their overall business plan. You want major players to line up with you to transform your product into a best-seller.
Welcome to the world of joint ventures. When you have established marketers promoting your product in a meaningful way, you can really get the most from your product. If you’re serious about getting the most out of your product and your IM business, you need to be serious about joint ventures.
Unfortunately, making those connections and setting up those joint ventures isn’t always easy. It can be hard to build top-notch JVs if you and your product aren’t already well-known. The top marketers are constantly on the receiving end of JV requests. If you don’t have a plan that stands out–and that really makes sense to those folks–you’re not going to get anywhere.
Many marketers make the mistake of approaching joint venture partners as if advertising their existing affiliate program is enough. That’s a doomed strategy. You’ll never put a great joint venture together unless you work harder. You need to approach joint venture relationship building the proper way.
Keys to JV Success
Building joint ventures the smart way requires a few things. First, you need to know the various ways you can structure a good JV. Second, you need to understand how to put together a plan that will be truly beneficial for you and for your JV partners. Third, you must learn how to connect with the kind of people you really need as joint venture partners. Fourth, you should know the tricks of the JV trade–the various ways to transform a ho-hum offering into something thrilling. Finally, you need to master the process of organizing and implementing your plan.
If you fall short on any front, you’re unlikely to experience optimal JV success.
In other words, you need to go to JV school if you’re serious about making the most money possible from your product.
You could try to learn the ropes on your own, of course. If you do, prepare to experience a number of failures before you taste success. It only takes a small mistake to derail a seemingly solid joint venture plan.
That’s why you should seriously consider learning the details of JV construction and implementation from someone with extensive experience. If there’s one part of internet marketing that screams for a quality, paid education, this is it. You should make a point of finding proven JV recommendations and information. After you’ve learned the skills necessary to become a good joint venture broker, you’ll be able to reach your full profit potential.