How and why to build an email list

If you’ve heard it once, you’ve heard it a million times. Lists make money. List building is one of the most effective ways to generate online home based business success. You can’t afford to ignore this powerful approach.

Why it works

Marketing research reveals that most people don’t make a purchase after one exposure to a marketing message. Putting a message in front of an individual on multiple occasions is more likely to result in a sale. You can create opportunities for multiple exposure by adding an individual to your list.

Additionally, people are more prone to spend their money with people the trust and know. You can use emails to your list to forge a personal connection. Relationship building creates an opportunity to encourage sales.

How to do it

Building a list is a rock-solid way to take advantage of a good home based business opportunities online, and it beings with a single simple page – the squeeze page. A squeeze page exists to do one thing and one thing only. It should persuade the reader to become part of your list. Anything else is completely extraneous.

In most cases, marketers encourage list opt-ins by offering something of value to the prospective customer in exchange for their contact information. You can use this proven approach to build yourself a serious.

A great inducement isn’t enough to get the best results, however. You also need to build your squeeze page the right way. There are certain squeeze page strategies that produce the best results. You should emulate those proven techniques. That will involve closely following three important guidelines.

Squeeze page basics

Initially, there should be no outgoing links on your squeeze page. You want people to sign up for your list, not to have them click away to something else.

Second, you’ll need to write a short, powerful message. You want people to take advantage of your inducement and to become a subscriber, not to complicate the situation. Remember that your squeeze page is there for a single reason – to build your list. You should choose every word with that goal in mind.

Third, you will want to approach the sign up process as if it were as important as a big sale – close that deal! As such, your squeeze page’s sign up form should feature a powerful call to action. Clearly communicate the value of subscribing to those reading the page.


If you’re following those three pieces of advice and are offering a smart “bribe”, you’ll have a successful squeeze page! You’ll be able to build trust and credibility with your subscribers. It will also allow you to reach them with your marketing messages on multiple occasions.

You will take your Internet marketing efforts to the next level if you learn how to build an email list. It’s not a coincidence that top marketers all rely on their lists. The real money is in list building.

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