Affiliate Business Tips

Presell like a pro

If you want to make more money as an affiliate, you must presell.

Before we start, let’s talk about what preselling actually is. There are two components to it – art & science. It’s a process of taking your reader and getting them ready to buy. Then sending them to the product sales page to make the purchase. When done correctly, your reader will not even notice.

Basically, you give them some content. And then refer them to the product website. In a second we’ll talk about how to do actually it. Before we get into that, you should understand what’s in it for you. Some major benefits of this process:

  • It helps your reader trust you – Readers who trust you are more likely to click your links. Which obviously means you’ll make more sales.
  • Preselling is disarming – Nobody likes to be sold something. By not doing that to them, your reader is less defensive. This means they are more open to what you’re saying. So your message gets across.
  • It puts them in a buying mood – Your readers are now receiving your message. Being open means, they are open to everything you give them. For example, the sales message on the page you’re linking to. And being open to the information there means they are much more likely to buy.
  • It increases your sales – Now your reader arrives at the sales page in a buying mood. With the guard down and trusting your recommendation. The only thing that can result is increased sales!
  • Your customers are happier – Your referral now feels like they decided to buy. Instead of feeling pressured or “sold”. So they are happier with their purchase.
  • It boosts your profits – A satisfied customer doesn’t ask for a refund. And that translates to more commission staying in your affiliate business.

The need to presell is clear. You earn more commissions. And produce happier customers. That’s a clear win-win.

Now, here’s how preselling works:

Now you know whey preselling is critical. So, hopefully you’ve decided to start preselling. You’re ready to learn how to do it properly. Like we talked about before, it’s an art. And it’s a science.

Mastering the art

Effective preselling requires gaining your readers trust in order for them to let down their guard. And the only method of doing this is to give exceptional value to your readers. But you can’t give them so much that they think they have everything they could need, and that’s what makes it an art. The idea is that they want more and the sales page you send them to gives them more. And since they’re more open, they are more likely to make a purchase.

Scientific preselling

You also have to include some very specific things.

The first is how you present the information. You’ve got to map out your strategy before you start writing. Your end goal is to make a sale of the product you’re preselling. There are two ways to accomplish this with great content. The first method is to provide enough info to get them started, but not enough to finish. The other method is to explain all the details and expose how difficult it is to do what you’re explaining. Whichever method, you send them to a product website that solves the problem you just created.

Next, you have to use “convert linking” methods. You have directly to the home page of the product. That’s because nobody likes to click on affiliate links. But how will you earn affiliate commissions if you don’t use your affiliate link? There’s a trick to make this work… You use an image tag to cookie your reader before they leave your site.

The next trick is to hyperlink specific words and phrases inside the content of the article you’re providing. Hyperlinked words are clicked more than anything else. And if the words you hyperlink relate, your reader will naturally click them for more information.

What you have now is a super powerful system for affiliate marketing success.

Now for the bad news…

Doing all of this right is really hard! Let’s look at the skills required to pull it off: Good content. First of all, you actually have to write great articles and give value to your readers. To do that you have to have enough information to be valuable and be able to present it in a useful way. Preselling skills. Yes, you must providing useful content. And you have to make the content accessible in order to provide value. And somehow also make them want to learn more. The other approach is to reveal a self-evident problem through the information.

Picking products. Next, you’ve got to pick the right product to presell. If you can manage to get the article written well. All your efforts are wasted if you send your reader to the wrong sales letter.

The technical know-how And finally, you need the technical know-how to embed your image tag and make sure you get credit for the sale. This is fairly simple – you use a 1 X 1 image and set the “source” to your affiliate link. (But if you mess it up, your referrals won’t be tracked.)

In closing:

Now you’re armed with the information needed to effectively presell. Preselling properly will boost your affiliate profits up to 500%! The important thing is to use these techniques for everything you promote as an affiliate. Don’t wait another minute. Make the extra effort required to propel your affiliate business to the next level.

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