Mar 13
Forty Thousand Dollars Later
How much are you spending to learn the tricks of the Internet marketing trade? Are you spending money left and right in hopes of finding the perfect internet business system? Do you find yourself hitting the BUY NOW button day after day, believing that you’re about to find the missing link in your moneymaking chain?
If you’re making investment after investment in IM direction and information, you’re not alone. Far too many Internet marketers are doing the exact same thing.
And that’s totally understandable. It’s entirely reasonable to invest in new strategies and tools to fine-tune your profitable IM enterprises. It’s sane and sensible to invest in new strategy guides to stay abreast of changes in the industry and to get your hands on innovative ideas. However, there is a problem with running on the BUY NOW treadmill if you’re not making any money.
Buying new tools to stay ahead of the games is very different from desperately making purchases in hopes of finding base-level success.
You want to spend your money the smart way. You don’t want to be the person who’s spent $40,000 on IM products and still isn’t making regular sales.
Buying the Right Way
So, how do you avoid becoming the wrong kind of serial buyer? The first step is creating a bedrock foundation for your IM business. If you strip away all of the details, tricks, options and creative new ideas from Internet marketing, it’s a simple proposition.
You need to have something to sell. You need a way to sell it. You need a way to generate traffic to the site from which you’re making that sales pitch.
That’s it. All of your efforts should relate to one of those basic needs.
So, you must work to create a strong presence on all three of those fronts. When you buy something, it must directly address one of those three foundational needs.
Before you start reaching for details, tweaks, adjustments and tricks, you need to develop your core means of making online money. You can start experiencing real IM success after that foundation is in place. Then you can start experimenting with new ideas and products.
Smart Foundation Building
You can start building that money making foundation without going broke in the process. Here’s what you need to do.
- Learn how Internet marketing works on a holistic, big picture level. You need to learn how things work from someone who’s spent time in the trenches.
- Focus on ways to boost traffic. Traffic is one of the three core needs mentioned above. It’s probably the most important of those three elements. Until you have adequate traffic, you won’t be able to find out if your products are attractive or if your copy is converting. You need as much traffic as you can get–and you need it quickly.
- Discover a continuing source of support and guidance. An ebook can be great. Instructional videos can really help. However, you’ll find more value in cultivating a good relationship with an experienced, successful IMer. Good mentoring increases efficiency, makes it easier for you to build a foundation, and allows you to avoid common mistakes.
- Manage your risk. Find a way to accomplish those objectives without putting yourself at risk of substantial loss. Look for opportunities to secure the right information at a reasonable price. Look for a business coaching program or mentoring arrangement that doesn’t cost more than you can afford.