Archive for August, 2010

Affiliate Marketing Revised

August 21, 2010

Everything you think you know about building an affiliate business is wrong. Everything you’ve been taught is simply out of date. If you play by the old rules, you will lose this game. You’ve been duped You’ve probably heard how easy it is to start an affiliate business. This is partially true. It is the […]

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Posted in Internet Marketing 1 Comment »

7 reasons why you MUST have your own info product

August 17, 2010

Answer this question: What’s the biggest reason millions of people log onto the internet each day? The answer is simple – they’re looking for information. This is so ubiquitous a quest that Google handles 400 million queries a day! So what does this mean to you? This quest for information is an opportunity for you […]

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Posted in Internet Marketing 1 Comment »

Sneaky Affiliate Tricks

August 15, 2010

Yes affiliate marketing rocks, but it’s really hard to get started. The reason is because there is a lot of competition. The challenge is to try and outdo other affiliates and think of ways to do a better job promoting. It’s also hard to figure out what to do because there’s a lot of information […]

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Posted in Internet Marketing 30 Comments »

Email List Building Strategies

August 14, 2010

You need a list. That’s a given. It’s the number one key to opening the success floodgates. After it’s built, it’s yours to use any time you want. It’s like a renewable resource that allows you to make money on demand. Now you now why. Here’s how: There are 3 factors in list building you […]

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Posted in Internet Marketing 10 Comments »

Affiliate Business Tips

August 13, 2010

Presell like a pro If you want to make more money as an affiliate, you must presell. Before we start, let’s talk about what preselling actually is. There are two components to it – art & science. It’s a process of taking your reader and getting them ready to buy. Then sending them to the […]

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Posted in Internet Marketing 24 Comments »

Traffic Generation Tips

August 12, 2010

Everyone knows the number one thing you need to be successful online is traffic to your website. Of course you also need to have a valuable offer for your visitors – a reason for them to transact with you. Once the visitors arrive you can have them join your mailing list, purchase a product or […]

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Posted in Internet Marketing 1 Comment »

Traffic is King, but this comes FIRST

August 10, 2010

The best way to ensure your success is to build automated traffic sources to send you visitors day and night. But, first… Keyword research is really the first step in getting traffic to your website. The reason this is so important is that you are going to be building content and traffic sources for specific […]

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Posted in Internet Marketing 7 Comments »

Affiliate Marketing Secrets

August 9, 2010

Learn Top Affiliate Secrets One of the easiest and fastest way to generate income online is through affiliate marketing. What “affiliate marketing” means is that you just send traffic to someone else’s website, they make the sale and deliver the product, and you keep 50% or more of the sales Here’s just a few benefits […]

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Posted in Internet Marketing 4 Comments »